
Dummy Foals

Neonatal Maladjustment Syndrome, AKA “Dummy foals”, is a term used is used to describe a variety of behavioral disturbances in a newborn foal. Affected foals show abnormal behaviors with signs including a poor suckle reflex, incoordination, weakness, wandering aimlessly or display more serious clinical signs like seizures. These signs may be evident at birth, or…

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Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis  (EOTRH)

EOTRH, Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis is a painful syndrome that primarily affects the incisors and canine teeth. This condition has an increased prevalence in older horses (15+ years), Arabian horses, horses with excessive dentistry (incisor reductions), dental disease, not grazing, endocrine diseases, and external and behavioral vices. The roots of the teeth begin to…

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    Meet with a doctor for
    an initial exam.

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    Put a plan together for
    your pet.
